Hi! I’m Dr. Teddy Max Pozo, a multidisciplinary writer and artist, and Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Occidental College in Los Angeles. I’m a nonbinary trans ceramic artist, game designer, cartoonist, academic, and writer with articles published in Game Studies, Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies, New Review of Film and Television Studies, Porn Studies, Mediascape, and Media Fields; anthologies including Digital Love and Rated M for Mature; the Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory, and the Encyclopedia of Video Games. My latest peer-reviewed academic article, “Queer Games After Empathy: Feminism and Haptic Game Design Aesthetics from Consent to Cuteness to the Radically Soft,” is available online. My book project, Touchy Feely Games, is about haptic technology and haptic aesthetics in queer and trans game design. My games and other work in progress, as well as games by my students, can be found on my itch.io page.